They say there are no mistakes in Art, just opportunities. When I was working on this piece I made a terrible mistake, I put some gel medium on the base of the stamped image and then sprinkled it with mica flakes and covered it with gloss gel medium. After it dried it looked like a seagull had done a sparkly poo!
I clearly couldn't leave it like that so decided to cover the glittery bird dropping with a skirt, at which time I realised I had chosen paper with leaves on it. She already had a hat with skeleton leaves and then the idea was born, I'd create her as a tree woman. I thought I had finished but really didn't know what else to do with it when my muse walked in and said "Oh, you've painted Mother Nature". Perfect, thanks Captain Slow.
This is done in the very cheap art journal I rejected but decided I'd use to mop up spills. (A4 size)
Love this one too.. if you are crazy, you could say it's Mother Nature doing aerobics, or if there was a gun with the plant, it'd be a 'stick up' ;) Nice one... and well done Capt Slow! xx