Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year Circles

The theme at Thee Muses this week is circles.  I've been busy playing with techniques but wanted to do something for the last challenge.  So I made an 'out of this world' piece.
Happy New Year
I think it looks like the craters of the moon, hence the 'out of the world' reference.  It began as white card stock with a thick layer of gesso applied.  Into this I pressed various circular objects, bottle tops, pencil ends, paint brush ends etc.  Once dried I painted the whole piece black and then covered that with a blue / green gold.  Next came many, many layers in ever lightening shades of viridian paint using a dry brush technique, until the final layer was just zinc white (almost translucent).  In all I believe there to be approximately 25 - 30 layers.
I really wanted to use this piece for something so decided to take a photo into photoshop and add a seasonal greeting.  This is where the hard work began!

Becoming more and more frustrated that I couldn't make the words appear as I wanted I threw a hissy fit.  Captain Slow to the rescue....  he took the file and manipulated it as I wanted it and then gave it back to me (so technially, this isn't all my own work).

This piece now feels more like leather than paper but I don't know if it's due to the gesso, the paint or both.

Thank you everyone, for taking the time to look at my work this year and for leaving such wonderful and encouraging words.  I wish you all the very best for the new year and hope that it brings you everything that you would wish for yourself.


  1. This is so cool, Liz!

    Happy New Year to you!

  2. Happy New Year to you, too, Liz!
    Love your background!

  3. Your backgrounds are awesome you are so creative!

  4. What a gorgeous greeting for the New Year. I love the background textures which add so much movement to the overall look. Love the metallic text too. Beautiful artwork as always.

    Happy New Year to you and your family! At least the world didn't end on December 21.

  5. Great piece and a wonderful background.

  6. WOW, Liz, this is such a great piece. I love the colors you've chosen for the moon craters! Happy New Year to you too!

  7. A marvelous background, Liz. Captain Slow did a great job, too!xx

  8. what a gorgeous texture here! and i love the turquoise color.

  9. Such a beautiful background! Happy New Year to you too Liz! xx

  10. I absolutely love the colours and the textures which I as though I could almost touch. Your artwork is always gorgeous and a teeny tiny little big of help with PS doesn't detract from that. FABULOUS work.

  11. Bonjour Liz !
    background très réussi !
    et bravo pour le relief du texte !
    Meilleurs voeux à vous également pour 2013


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I really appreciate it - Liz